Monday, June 16, 2008

MCAT, Father's Day, Beat LA

This is for the sake of an update. I don't have much time, so here's a quick rundown.

1. Scott took the MCAT on Friday morning. He was tired; the Celtics had a big game the night before. And despite our going to bed at halftime, the whole neighborhood erupting into cheers woke us up at game's end. Anyway, we'll get to the Celtics later. Scott said the MCAT was "ugly" and "tougher than the practice tests" that he'd taken. Usually when Scott says stuff like that it means he got 95 percent of the test right instead of 100 percent. Results come in a month.

2. I threw a baby shower for my friend on Friday night. Despite being surrounded by pregnant friends pretty much all of the past five years, I have somehow avoided this duty until now. I'm not a big fan of baby shower games or the inevitable conversation about birthing and labor and whatnot. I assigned someone else to do a baby shower game: melting candy bars in diapers and then guessing their contents. I also did a form of "get-to-know-you" game with questions about my friend like "how many times did she throw up per day during the first trimester?" and "which foods does she crave?" and such. We also had a fondue pot of dark chocolate and lots of strawberries on hand. I'd say it was a success.

3. We had a food-filled Father's Day. Bruce and I made "overnight waffles" for Scott. We made bacon too - a rare treat for Scott in our otherwise veggie household. Scott didn't consider Father's Day a break from parenting but instead spent a few hours of the day with Bruce - reading books, playing with cars and trucks, pushing trains around. Scott is a great dad.

4. The Celtics are now 3-2 in the NBA Finals. We watch when we can; when we can't keep our eyes open to watch, we read about it the next day. Scott is pretty much in love with ESPN. I am just so sick of hearing about how awesome Kobe Bryant is. Sure, he's good. But everyone chanting "MVP" when he touches the ball? The commentators spouting about how he's just like MJ? I don't think so.


Blogger Elisabeth said...

I'm glad to hear Scott got through the test ok. I don't envy him that at all! I'm sure he's very happy to have that over with.
The baby shower was really fun! You guys did a great job.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well the Celtics won--I hope you guys are happy :)...and Kobe is a good player :)

12:44 PM  
Blogger Janis Mars Wunderlich said...

Hola sis,
Glad you all survived MCAT.. I'm sure Scott's scores will blow everyone away... Mr. Genius. Hope you'll make it to Ohio soon.. we are anxious to have cousin time with Bruce!

10:49 PM  

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