Monday, December 14, 2015

Surviving and thriving

Scott had a radiology conference in Chicago so we survived and possibly thrived through this week. We headed to the Children's Museum...
...where we blew bubbles, watched turtles...
...and played with golf balls and gravity.
These pictures are out of order and I'm blogging from my phone so am not willing to fix this, but here is Thanksgiving before Scott left. We had a quiet meal with just the five of us after the family we invited got sick the night before. We ate delicious food and enjoyed some quality family time along with a cross country turkey trot that morning. 
On Black Friday we avoided shopping and went to the Museum of Science instead. We walked and biked there...
...and then played and played.
We stayed for almost five hours and still didn't see the whole museum. Afterward, we headed to North Point Park to play outside (the weather was beautiful!) and then took the train back to Central Square... visit these guys.
Ok, back to the Scott-less week: I attended our church's annual wreath making party. Phoebe's kindergarten teacher babysat the kids so I could go make a wreath, eat some treats, and chat with ladies. 

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