Friday, April 04, 2008

The Week in Review

My neighbor gave us these daffodils. He and his family are the nicest, most generous people ever. They always give Bruce little toys when we see them, but gifts for me haven't gone as well. I told them about my cholesterol problem and he gave me a half-gallon bottle of vegetables floating in vinegar; he said it'd cure me. This wasn't just any bottle o' veggies: this was something his Iranian mother cooked up once a year, and he only had two bottles. And gave one to me. I tried to stomach them, but couldn't do it (too much, um, vinegar?). So I gave those back (I figured I'd feel worse throwing out the bottle than giving it back). Then for Valentine's Day they gave me a pair of earrings that they made themselves; unfortunately, I don't have my ears pierced. Anyway, I was glad to get a vase-full of daffodils.
Here's Bruce's bossy streak coming out. He gets this face and says stuff like, "No, the train goes over here" or "That's MINE!" Where does he get all this drama?
Grandma sent a package this week with some shirts for Bruce; he calls this one his "running shirt" but to me it is a "wifebeater." Yes, he is flexing those big muscles of his.
Bruce had scores of friends come and play this week. Here he is in his natural habitat.
His friend found Bruce's collection of sunglasses. They tried them all on and checked themselves out in the mirror; unfortunately those pictures didn't come out as well. But here's Bruce's buddy modeling them.
Bruce got this cup a few weeks ago at church. He had planted a bean seed and he's been eager to water it every day. It finally poked out of the dirt and even grew some leaves. Now we need to find space outside for a garden...


Blogger Cami said...

I'm so impressed that Bruce's bean actually sprouted. Big muscles AND a green thumb; nice!

8:13 AM  
Blogger Chelsi Ritter said...

love the running shirt!

2:36 PM  
Blogger Karyn said...

I like Bruce's bulging neck veins as he strikes a pose. Tough stuff.

11:04 AM  

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