Saturday, April 28, 2012


My Saturday was awesome. I went for a run at the lazy hour of 7 a.m. and came home an hour later to witness this: Scott, Bruce, and Phoebe scrubbing the bathrooms and cleaning the house.
After all our chores were done, Bruce had his first ever T-ball practice (got mixed reviews) and then we headed to the park for some bottle rocket action (definitely rave reviews). After several hours of rockets and playgrounds, we headed to school for the annual PTA fundraiser. We ate pizza while watching a talent show; Phoebe showed a lot of interest in the ballerinas. Bruce signed us up in the silent auction to win a "rainy day activity box," but our $5 bid was quickly outdone. He was a bit sad about that, so we may have to make a box of our own. For now, here's to sunny days!



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