Sunday, June 02, 2013


Oliver is up to a whopping 3 pounds, 12 ounces today. Growth is slow-going (or so it seems), but it is heading in the correct direction. This week we have been teaching Oliver to open his mouth correctly - with his tongue out and down rather than stuck to the roof of his mouth. We also tried breastfeeding with some success. He is still getting the hang of sucking and swallowing, but progressing well. Now he needs to beef up a bit so he has the energy to wake up and eat by mouth.
Bulking up is easier said than done. He is "eating" via the tube in his nose; every three hours he gets about 1.5 ounces of breastmilk mixed with formula powder to add calories, plus a little extra protein powder (he really is trying to bulk up!). Oliver sleeps almost the entire day, and the nurses like it that way: he is using all those calories to grow rather than to wiggle around or cry. I've only heard him cry 4-5 times since he's been born, and by the time I grab the camera he's done crying. He has a very quiet cry though - like a little lamb.
Yesterday we took advantage of the nice weather and headed to the beach. We met up with Miss J, who I'm told still talks about me but appeared much more interested in Phoebe. Granted, Phoebe was way more playful than I was; I sat in a beach chair under an umbrella almost the entire time. Phoebe ran around collecting shells, climbing rocks, and splashing in shallow tidal pools.
 Bruce helped build a sand castle city with a group of kids, found shells and even a live crab, did a little swimming, and got in a water fight with grandma.
Speaking of grandma, she is doing a fantastic job keeping up with Phoebe's playdates, Bruce's school schedule, and my recovery. Just in the past few days she has made butterhorn rolls, a pineapple upside down cake, blueberry pie, picnic brownies, and pasta salad.

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Blogger Amber said...

Yay for beach days!! I love that Oliver is being given protein powder. I picture this tiny baby with massive muscles haha.

10:54 AM  

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