Thursday, February 04, 2010


I have all kinds of pictures to download, but have been too busy with other things. I like to post pictures with each post, but I've been procrastinating posting because of my laziness in hooking the camera up. You'll have to come back later for pictures, but here's proof that we still exist:

Scott had finals last week. This week he starts a new block of classes, including an "introduction to clinical medicine" where he will be working in the hospital a few times a week taking patient histories and such. He actually took this course during his PhD, but is taking it again as a refresher.

I've been busy with the daily grind: feeding Phoebe, running, feeding Phoebe, washing dishes, feeding Phoebe, writing about cameras, feeding Phoebe, building a marble track with Bruce, feeding Phoebe, hanging up a few pictures finally, feeding Phoebe, attempting grocery shopping at the most crowded store possible with two kids, feeding Phoebe.... Notice a trend? Phoebe is all of nine pounds now, but dipping on the growth chart so we're back to feeding her more frequently (and with no end in sight for the breastpump - bummer).

Bruce told me he's been playing "bad guys" at preschool. He and his friends capture the teacher and put her in jail. If she's not available, they capture other innocent kids. He's not always a total bad guy though. Bruce also plays "princesses" with his girlfriends. I asked if he was a prince and he said that he likes to be a princess and wear the dresses. Hmm. Sometimes Bruce randomly tells me that he loves me (yes, I'm lucky) and yesterday he added that he loved me as much as $24. Wow.

Phoebe is smiling now. It happens right after she's eaten and when she has a clean diaper, so the stars have to align and then it's still a flicker of a smile here and there. But it's definitely a smile. I haven't been able to capture it on camera yet. Soon though. Phoebe had a doctor's appointment last week. We were hoping to get rid of the apnea monitor once and for all at that appointment (the alarm hasn't gone off since a few days before Christmas), but it didn't turn out that way. She has to stay overnight at the hospital on a bunch of monitors before she can officially be rid of it. That hasn't been scheduled yet, but I'm hoping for sooner than later. In the meantime, I've completely given up on carrying the monitor around (to the grocery store, work, preschool, library, etc) and feel just fine hooking her up only at night.


Blogger Taylor said...

Oh Bruce...still making us laugh. Sounds like you are busy! We miss seeing you guys at church.

3:01 PM  
Blogger TheKunks said...

Too cute on how much you are loved... way to go being such a powerhouse keeping up with it all. :) Katy
p.s. can't wait to see the pic of her smiling

12:20 AM  

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