A Little Siesta

Another picture of my boys. They're just so cute.
This week has been good, but crazy. Last Saturday I ran a 5-mile race on a hilly course and ran a 29:43. I was behind the lead woman for 4.5 miles, then caught her and got the win. Woohoo. I ran another 5-mile race last night, but it was on a very flat and fast course. No ladies fought me for the win, so I ran with some guys for a 28:53. I'm running lots and lots now, gearing up for a half-marathon next month and a marathon in October.
Besides the running, I've been working a ton trying to stock up hours so I can take some time off next week. Scott has been working on his qualifying exam for school a lot this week, along with making a mouse phantom out of mints or something (you'll have to ask him about that one). Bruce is sooo close to walking on his own. We got him a tiny shopping cart that he pushes around the house and outside and everywhere. He picks things up and puts them in the cart and pushes it around. Yesterday, he put a pile of Scott's papers (on the bottom of the bookshelf - bad spot) in the cart and he'd walk a few steps, take a piece of paper out, throw it, walk a few more steps, take a piece of paper out, throw it...
Supposedly, some tropical storm hit Massachusetts last night. But honestly, it just sprinkled here. So no worries, we're all here; our house isn't floating away or anything.