Monday, August 06, 2007

A Move and A Mystery Rash

Lots happenin' at the Raymond residence. For one, we've moved. We found a cheaper apartment and packed all our belongings in a truck and went there. It's a bit smaller and there's no storage space, so we're still tunneling our way through the house until we get things under control. Bruce likes it though. There is a pool here and Bruce has been in it almost every single day. There is also a little fenced-in canal that he likes to look at: there is a picture of him throwing rocks over the fence and into the water.

A few days before we moved, Bruce had the nastiest rash ever. I'll spare you the upper portion of that picture, but let's just say he was very spotted all over the place. It mysteriously appeared. And two days later it mysteriously disappeared.

In other news, Scott got a fellowship that will fund grad school for another year and I went bizerk from the heat and chopped my hair off. I'll put pictures of that up soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just catching up no your blog. I am so sorry for your loss. You're in my prayers!

Bruce's rash could have been scarlett fever - it is a form of strep, believe it or not! My oldest daughter had it when she was about 4.

I'd love to see a picture of your new short 'do! :)

9:34 PM  
Blogger Karyn said...

Can't wait to see the new 'do! Good luck getting settled in. And congrats on the fellowship.

9:54 AM  

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