Gone Fwimming

It is September; can you believe it? That means that school starts soon, a few big races are approaching, summer is ending, and the clambake is coming!
Oh yes, the clambake. It has overtaken my life. My email inbox is full of lobster orders. My desk is overrun with fliers and post-it notes. And I still have two weeks to go.
For those who aren't in the know, I'm in charge of putting together the ward clambake at church. It's a pretty big deal: a couple hundred people show up on a beach and we eat fresh lobsters, clams, corn-on-the-cob, and all kinds of potluck food.
For me, this involves finding a truck with the right size hitch to haul the stoves and cooking equipment, ordering all the food, buying all the plates and such, assigning all the potluck items, etc. Whew! I'm well on my way though. I've got a crew ready to cook up the stuff, orders for 75 lobsters so far, and a guy named Lenny enlisting his fleets in Northern Massachusetts to catch all those lobstahs.
And back to Raymond family business...
Here are the highlights of the week. Bruce peed in the potty a few times, which is cause to celebrate (or at least eat jelly beans, his "potty treats"). Scott and Bruce have been regulars in the "fwimming pool" with the recent lovely weather. I have been working way too much on a big project at work: more to come about that later. I'm thinking about running two races next week too, so I should be able to tell what sort of shape I'm in by next weekend. There's hope I'll be ready for the Tuft's 10k in October.
This is random, but you should post some pics of your new place. I would love to see it!
I second that. Let's see your crib.
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