Sunday, July 27, 2008
"Race Cars"
Bruce loves the movie Cars. But if you ask him about the movie, Cars, he will correct you and tell you it's Race Cars. You can't convince him otherwise. This is how Bruce spends much of his "downtime": on the floor pushing cars around.
Farmer Bruce
This week we visited a small farm that had chickens, roosters, fish, frogs, pigs, and acres of flowers and salad greens. We didn't get to see the pigs (there were new babies and the mom was being fiesty), but we got to walk around the chicken coop. Bruce has been talking about it ever since.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Romantic Getaway
Scott and I have never left Bruce with anyone longer than a few hours.
I take that back. The only exception to this was when we left Bruce in the NICU for a few weeks when he was first born. But that doesn't really count: it was too emotionally and physically draining to be "romantic" or even "relaxing."
This past week Scott and I had our first real getaway. My parents offered to watch Bruce for a few days so I hopped on a bus to Pittsburgh. Scott and I ate at a really good Thai restaurant, window-shopped on a ritzy avenue, watched movies, and played Xbox (which we were horribly bad at since we haven't played in years. It took us at least a half hour to get through the first level of Halo on the easiest setting).
Scott still had to work during the day, so I took a full morning to scrub the whole apartment down (we stayed at his friend's bachelor pad while his friend is away). It needed it.
I also went to Phipps Conservatory in Schenley Park and checked out an entire botany exhibit about chocolate. I felt a little old walking through an exhibit by myself and enjoying it. It was nice to actually take the time to read all the names of plants and things instead of chase Mr. Short Attention Span through the place.
This was the older portion of the conservatory. It's a huge place.
This is the coolest lawnmower I've ever seen. His name is Moe and he's a robotic sheep that sings "Mary had a Little Lamb" while walking around and cutting the grass.

The conservatory is like a jungle crammed in a few large greenhouses. No air conditioning in this place. It was in the 90s too. I pretty much had the place to myself.
More orchids.
I just about sneezed when I walked past this. My nose was really itching.
There was a whole room full of butterflys and plants they like.
One weird thing about this place was the obsession with fake flamingoes. They were the "tour guides." Since the current exhibit is about chocolate, these flamingoes were "dressed" as M&Ms.
There was a kids' section where kids were encouraged to water the plants.
These dahlias were bigger than my head.
Cacao beans in the shell.
Here they are crushed. This smelled so good.
When I saw this, I missed Bruce. There were a few trains that ran through a bunch of plants. He would have loved it.
I like gardening (theoretically; it's not like I have much of a garden right now), but I don't think I could ever devote this much effort to it.
These are tiny buds on a banana tree.
I'm always behind the camera, but I wanted some I was there shots.
Only after my trip did I find out that the Andy Warhol Museum is in Pittsburgh. Drat!
I take that back. The only exception to this was when we left Bruce in the NICU for a few weeks when he was first born. But that doesn't really count: it was too emotionally and physically draining to be "romantic" or even "relaxing."
This past week Scott and I had our first real getaway. My parents offered to watch Bruce for a few days so I hopped on a bus to Pittsburgh. Scott and I ate at a really good Thai restaurant, window-shopped on a ritzy avenue, watched movies, and played Xbox (which we were horribly bad at since we haven't played in years. It took us at least a half hour to get through the first level of Halo on the easiest setting).
Scott still had to work during the day, so I took a full morning to scrub the whole apartment down (we stayed at his friend's bachelor pad while his friend is away). It needed it.


Bruce was well taken care of. In fact, my parents told me he didn't ask for us once. He had that much fun (or he really is tired of us). Thanks to my parents, Scott and I had a relaxing few days.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
PhD to the MD
Scott got his MCAT score back. I'm sure he would be totally embarassed if I put up an actual number on the blog, but let's just say he did AWESOME.
Really awesome.
As in, only one percent of those taking the test did awesomer.
Can you tell I'm proud?
Really awesome.
As in, only one percent of those taking the test did awesomer.
Can you tell I'm proud?
Monday, July 14, 2008
2 + 2 = 4
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Make Way for Ducklings