Bruce and I have a new playmate a few days a week. Bruce is - as always - still learning to share toys. He expects her to play just like he does, and he gets upset when he puts a train set together only to have her trample it and take a freight car hostage. He will learn. And so will she, I suppose.

This weekend was the groundbreaking for a Latter-day Saint church building in Cambridge. Right now the plot is a run-down parking lot full of weeds and oil stains. Scott and Bruce are checking out the plans for what it will be: a parking garage on the bottom and a chapel on top.

Here are the golden shovels. No one actually wore those hard hats; no one wanted messed-up hair. Like most groundbreaking ceremonies, this was mostly symbolic. The "ground" that was "broken" was really a pile of dirt in a sandbox that sat atop the asphalt. It's quieter than jackhammers I guess.

There were a few speakers and musical numbers...

...and lots of kids...

...it was hard for Bruce to listen quietly when outdoors...

...finally breaking ground.

"This is the place."
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