Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Old Man Scott

Scott is a birthday-hater. He doesn't like attention drawn to him especially when he's getting one year older and everybody knows it. Scott also does not like surprises and has managed to ruin every "surprise" gift that I've gotten him in the past five years.

This year's gift was a pair of Birkenstocks fresh from the factory in Germany. He had a pair in high school and wore them until his heels started scraping the pavement. He's always wanted a new pair and I thought I really had an awesome gift this year.

I did.

Too bad the one day they were shipped happened to be the one day in the last few months that he was home before me. He found the box, which was shipped from Germany and its contents written on the outside for customs, and connected the dots with his impending birthday.

He got them a few days before his birthday.


Blogger Frozen Cacti said...

You could write "I'm awesome" on his birthday cake and invite people over while he's in his PJ's.

Next time have the gift sent to someone else's house (we're not too far).

9:39 PM  
Blogger ellen said...

I kept wondering if he'd play the "Happy Birthday" song on Sunday when he was playing the piano for the combined meeting the third hour. He should have!!

10:34 PM  

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