Here's my very first journal. (with Bruce's foot in the way)

My first entry was on October 8, 1988. "I (heart) my mom! I like my bed. Yesterday Chad broke my beak I got at McDonalds. I (heart) my dad. I love God. I love my dad & my mom. I love my Doreto's (Doritos, the chips) & Fritoes. I love to run." I didn't know I liked to run when I was 6 years old; good thing I wrote it down.

Another thing I thought was funny: "Boring! Tiring! Conference!" Twice a year, our church has a conference where the prophet, apostles, and other leaders of the church speak. It's televised from Salt Lake City to church buildings throughout the world and is now available on cable and the internet. Now I look forward to this event, but I'll admit that I thought guys in suits talking for hours and hours was horribly dull.
My first journal entry is similarly interesting... "my mom is on the phone. She is on the phone a lot...
" (with pictures of the phone because I couldn't spell it).
Very fun stuff. Share more.
hmmmm...is that john/marty jerome's running log i see in the background??? from year 200-?
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