Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Early Marathon Monday
Marathon Monday 2009
Here's our awesome cheering section - or at least part of it. Facing the cam is Lovely Laura, who lives very close to the course and hosted a brunch this morning. She allowed Bruce to harass her cats and watch a movie while the rest of us watched live coverage on TV.
David ran a 2:27 to lead our men's team. Both the men's and women's teams finished fourth.
When I see people like this, I feel like I really can't complain about anything. This guy bounced his way to Boston - but it looked like a jarring, painful sort of bounce. Still, he finished in 3 hours and 2 minutes.
It seems like there's always one of my former BYU teammates running. This year the lucky one was Marie (Hodgson) Glahn. I didn't even know she was coming until yesterday when a mutual friend told me she was running it. I wasn't sure I'd recognize her on the course; there are a lot of people, after all. I didn't know what she was wearing or anything. But when I saw her running down the hill, I knew it was her. Each runner has a unique stride and even though I hadn't seen Marie's since 2001 (she was a senior when I was a frosh), I recognized it right away.
I made a sign, but didn't have time to grab it and hold it up while also taking pictures. So Marie, if you're reading this, I really did try to cheer for you. (Not that you would have heard me over the loud techno)
USA Foiled Again
Drat! Last year Deena was everyone's great American hope and this year it was Kara. Alas, the Boston Marathon women's title went to Kenyan Salina Kosgei. It was close though. So close. Here's a clip of the finish.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
One More on the Dance Floor
We watch this cute little girl a couple times a week and she and Bruce have become good buddies. Bruce has a constant audience and she has fun mimicking him. Bruce and his sidekick regularly perform "Bear Necessities" from The Jungle Book soundtrack by scratching their backs on the wall. It's always more fun when there's a crowd.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Easter Man Was Here

We've been celebrating Easter all week. We had an egg hunt with some neighbors on Friday and then went to another one at church on Saturday. That night, Scott and I hid Bruce's Easter basket and more eggs around the house (okay, they were the same eggs he found earlier, but the fun part is finding them, right?). On Easter morning - 6 a.m. to be exact - Bruce burst through the door and climbed into our bed and asked "Did the Easter Man come?"
The Easter Man? Is this like some caped superhero that flies through windows and leaves eggs and present-filled baskets for good little boys and girls? Anyway, this Easter Man brought Bruce a little bug-house and bug-catcher, a Lego firetruck, and a pair of Batman pajamas.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Good morning
Saturday, April 04, 2009
A sign that we should move...
But every once in awhile, I get the urge to move: when someone gets stabbed on our front stairs, when I hear a broomstick pounding from below, when shady dudes hang around the dumpster, when I witness two guys having a fistfight in broad daylight, when my car gets hit in the parking lot, when we have people over and they have to park far away, or when they park in the lot anyway and get nasty notes on their cars. I got that urge to move again this week - see sign above.
Okay, so I can see noise being a problem from Bruce's running. Hardwood floors don't hide noise well. But a crack in the ceiling?! From a 30-pound kid? It's not my fault this place is built out of cardboard. Perhaps it wouldn't crack if he hadn't bashed his ceiling with a broomstick...