Happy Thanksgiving 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hosted Thanksgiving at our place this year and had Scott's sister, husband (also named Scott), and baby Jared come. We also had Anand, one of Scott's labmates, and his girlfriend Anya over. We cooked pretty much all week. Scott roasted the turkey. I made vegetarian "harvest pies" (like chicken pot pie without the chicken), mashed potatoes, butterhorn rolls, honey mustard green beans, stuffing, corn on the cob, sweet potato fritters with lime sauce and peach salsa, and pumpkin chocolate cheesecake. Lana and her Scott made the apple and pumpkin pies. It was delicious. Since Thanksgiving consists of pretty much all of Bruce's favorite foods, he's been chowing on the leftovers every chance he gets. Today for lunch he had a few green beans, some cottage cheese, and an entire ear of corn which he ate straight off the cob. He's also a big fan of the cheesecake, so we'll probably load him up on that tonight.
Earlier this week Bruce had his 18-mos appointment. He weighed 21 1/2 pounds and is now officially on the growth chart. Fifth percentile, yeah! The doctor was impressed with how much he talked and was once again

We went to Harvard Square with Lana and Scott this week. We visited overpriced bookstores and gawked at the cool brick buildings around campus. Scott and Bruce are walking in front of the freshman dining hall; nope, it's not a church.
I'm still running, of course. I ran a race on Thanksgiving morning in Somerville. It was a 4-mile race and it was loaded with lots of fast ladies. I ran as fast as my frozen legs would go and ended up third for women with a 23:53. As soon as I finished, we (Scott, Bruce, Lana, Scott, Jared) all jumped in cars and sped home to baste the turkey.
I'm already excited about Christmas. On Friday, I rearranged the living room and got out our ugly fake Christmas tree. Bruce had a great time chucking the ornaments out of the boxes (good thing we don't have nice fancy ornaments) and pulling the Big Bird heads off the lights. I piled Bruce's toys in front of the tree so he can't pull it over, but he's already making climbing attempts. We'll see how long it lasts.