I Love Summer

Scott and I went on a date! A real date. One of my track club teammates came over along with her husband and they watched Bruce while Scott and I went out for dinner. We went to Grotto, a tiny Italian-Mediterranean restaurant downtown. There were only a few people there; there are only about 10 tables in the place anyway. Nice romantic spot. Anyway, we both ate some really amazing food. I was wishing I'd had my camera when they brought my food. And I had the desire to lick the plate at least twice. I held back - but it was sure tempting.
After dinner, we tried to go to a movie. We wanted to see Ocean's 13, but it sold out as we were standing in line. So we went home. The next morning we got up early and went to the beach. Bruce had been asking about the beach all week since he'd had so much fun last weekend. We packed our towels, shovels, buckets, and kite and headed to the ocean. The kite didn't work well that morning; it was gusty, but there was no steady wind. He played in the sand for a long time, then collected rocks and shells and stuck them in his pockets. Scott and I took turns running along the beach. Bruce did his share of running this weekend too.
The USATF Outdoor Track National Championships were on TV this weekend. Bruce and I were glued to the television on Saturday and yes, part of Sunday too. We watched Trenierre Clement win the 1500; I ran against her in high school in Ohio. Today we watched Josh McAdams win the 3000 steeplechase; he also grew up in Ohio, was one of a handful of Mormon athletes there, and sat in on a newspaper student-athlete photo shoot thing with me once. He transferred to BYU a few years after me and we ran there a year before I graduated. Anyway, we were stoked to watch people we know go out there and run really well - and win national championships.