Monday, December 08, 2008

Embarrassing Moments

In middle school, I loved reading the "Why Me" section of Teen Magazine (perhaps this is my first embarrassing confession). It's full of teen's most embarrassing moments - like having a love note passed to the wrong guy in class. All the "Why Me" submissions were rated something like "bummer for you," "hide your face," and "move outta town" (anyone remember the real terms? I'm sure they were a lot funnier).

Certainly my view of what's embarrassing has changed since middle school. Chances are, if you've ever asked me what my most embarrassing moment is, I said something like, "I have so many moments I can't choose just one." It's true. Here are two examples just from the past few days.

1. I went to the doctor early Thursday morning after laying around Wednesday with a sore throat, fever and chills, and nasty headache. I hadn't showered and I think I may have even worn my PJs to the office in Harvard Square (also kindof embarrassing since it's a mecca for fashion shoppers). The doctor was looking me over making sure I didn't have strep or meningitis or anything serious; he was palpating my tummy when he said, "How long have these moles been here?" I sat up and asked, "What moles?" He pointed to my belly button, which had two nicely rounded balls of lint in it. Yuck.

2. I called up one of my college roommates on Sunday. I accidentally called her mom's house (when I switched phones a few weeks ago, it only saved one number per contact. oops) and her sister, who sounds exactly like her, answered. "MOOOOOONER!!!!" I yell into the phone; this is the normal greeting. She says a mousy "hi." I started going off about how long it'd been since we talked, how a mutual friend came to visit me yesterday, how said mutual friend is engaged, blah blah blah. After a full minute of my gabber, she stops me. "Uhhmm, this is Austin." "What?" So I chat with her about life and we laugh about the last time I called and sang a very loud and moving rendition of Happy Birthday to her (also meant for Mooner). Then she gave me Mooner's number.

How about you? Anyone else going to 'fess up to their most embarrassing moments?


Blogger Karyn said...

You inspired me to share. Yours are much better though.

11:57 PM  
Blogger a.k.a. Olivia said...

At least we know that you're not spending too much time contemplating your navel, ha, ha.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Drewmeister said...

Check's tomorrow's blog--I'll put it there!

5:06 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

How is Mooner? I remember her!

1:00 AM  

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