Merry Christmas one and all. Due to my lack of organization and the events of the past few weeks - wait, months? - we didn't get Christmas cards out this year. Perhaps we should just plan on Christmas [cards] in July. Anyway, if we were on top of things, our card would say something like "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" with a cute little letter saying how awesome our life is. It has been quite the year! 2009 brought lots of good things to our family, but let's hope 2010 is less eventful! Seriously, I'm ready for that.

Bruce got up at 6:00 this morning like any other day. The only unusual kink in his routine was that he woke up his cousin, Jared. Scott's sister, Lana, and her hubby and two boys are staying with us. Bruce and Jared have been sharing a room, and Bruce makes it a point to awaken everyone - guests and all. Think twice before you stay with us!

After we were all awake, we opened presents. I was wondering if Bruce would still savor every gift
like he did last year, or if he would rip the paper off everything and complain about what he didn't get (I'm convinced that this will happen someday). Thankfully, he enjoyed every gift and even shouted out
"This is just what I wanted!" a few times.

Bruce made this awesome "gingerbread house" a few days ago. It's actually a few graham crackers glued together with chocolate frosting. He proudly decorated it with Smarties, M&Ms, chocolate chips, licorice, and Swedish fish. He's been eating one piece off of it a day, and today he gets to eat whatever he wants on it. Ewww.
Merry Christmas!