My friend,
Tiffany, tagged me as an "
honest blogger," so here are ten honest facts about me. And I figured as long as I was putting up this "honest" post, I might as well put up a picture of my big fat belly since all my far-away family has been asking to see it. Yep, it's for real. Doesn't get more honest than that.
1. I ate a piece of cake tonight. And it wasn't vegan. I went to a birthday party and abstained from the cake because I knew it wasn't cholesterol-free. Then the hosts sent some cake home with me. I gave one piece to Scott and was going to put the other in the fridge for him for later. Then I made the mistake of smelling it.
Lemon. Dangit, I love lemons. Screw heart disease. I ate it.
2. I can be a cheapskate. Tonight I did all the dishes rather than run the dishwasher because I wanted to use cooler water and conserve oil (the water in this house is heated by oil and once this tank is gone, it's gone. I do not want to pay a few hundred bucks to fill it right before we move out!). On a related note, I'm convinced that we're not going to turn on the heaters in this house for that same reason; let's hope it doesn't get too cold before mid-November.
3. But I'm not a cheapskate about other things. Olives, for instance. I bought cheapo black olives because Bruce was eating all my expensive kalamata olives. Unfortunately we discovered today that he only likes putting those on his fingers, but does not want to eat them. He still wants to eat the pricey olives.
4. I own fake Uggs. My parents got them on eBay for my little sister, but when they received them they discovered that they were fakes. So they bought a new
real pair for my sister and filed a complaint about the other pair. They got their money back and were told to get rid of the boots - but not by selling them on eBay. They gave them to me. I lovingly call them my "fUggs."
5. I just wrote out a Thank You note today for someone that did me a favor in July. And that's not my worst: I gave someone a Thank You note for something from Bruce's baby shower when he was almost three years old. I really am grateful, people. I'm just a little slow.
6. I cut Scott's and Bruce's hair myself. Scott's looks good most of the time. Bruce, however, has been very wiggly the past two haircuts and so has a few shaggy spots and a few super-closely-shaved spots. He's young and doesn't care, right?
7. I don't mind Scott being in school forever. I've heard the term "thesis widow" a few times, and it makes me cringe every time I hear it. Sure, there were some lonely moments and lots of long hours and late nights, but when Scott did come home he was happy. And now that the PhD is over and we're on to the MD, I still have no complaints. Scott comes home giddy with all the cool stuff he's learning. I can't ask for more.
8. I love being pregnant. I had a long conversation with someone today about how awesome it is. I love feeling the baby move around. I love getting a seat on the subway and having people ask if they can help me carry my groceries out. I love love love it.
9. Here it is: I honestly didn't care about the baby's gender. A few people have asked, "You really didn't have a preference?" Nope. At that point, I didn't care what kind of baby it was. I was/am so baby-crazy that dressing it in blue or pink was beside the point. She's a girl and I'm thrilled that she's a girl, but I would have been just as thrilled with a boy. Really.
10. I hate speaking in public. I've done it a few times, but only when I was asked to and only when I had every word written beforehand. Most recently I was asked to speak in church. Scott laughed at me for writing down, "Good morning." But I don't trust my brains to remember even that short phrase when I'm at the microphone.
There it is. "Honest to blog." (a quote from