Maybe a Marathon

Everyone has been asking about the Boston Marathon - whether I'll run it or not. I've been running for two weeks now and my hamstring hasn't thrown any protests. I even did a workout last night and feel great today. So I'm going to run a 15k on Saturday and test it out. If I feel good, I'll run the marathon. If not, I'll chill out and save my legs for the summer racing season.
Here's a picture of Master Bruce. What is it about wires that attracts babies?
Scott, Bruce, and I were in Ohio last weekend. We welcomed Elder Mars home from Spain and hung out with our 40+ member family. The best part was Sunday, when everyone squashed into about 2,500 square feet. The kids went haywire in the basement and the adults cooked and chatted upstairs. To add to the chaos, something started burning in the oven and the fire alarms went off periodically. After awhile, both kids and adults started dropping to the floor and just falling asleep. There were bodies all over the living room.