Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quick Update

Here's a quick update on us.

This fine picture of him working in the living room is just a sampling of how hard he is studying. Between all the research, qualifying exams, and final exams, this week is pretty swamped. The end of the week will be fun though because we're having a party for Bruce!

That's right. It will be Bruce's birthday this weekend so to celebrate we're throwing a party complete with scrumptious food (yet to be made, of course), a huge cake, and a pinata. Perhaps if the rain goes away, we can even do bocci ball in the backyard. I don't think Bruce really understands that his birthday is coming, but I'm pretty sure he won't object to some chocolate cake.

I had a fantastic Mother's Day. Bruce got up at 5 a.m. as usual - and Scott got up with him Sunday morning (actually, Scott gets up with him a lot because I either go running or I'm too tired to even hear Bruce). Scott made me a tasty breakfast of waffles with strawberries, blueberries, and Cool Whip and served it to me in bed. He even got me my very favorite high pulp orange juice. He also got me flowers (pictured), which small great and are still blooming. Scott then changed all the diapers that day, which is quite a feat lately.

Bruce has been blowing out diapers left and right lately. I thought maybe it was because he was in size 2 diapers, so I went ahead and got him the phatty Pampers size 3 diapers. They are quite large on him and Pampers are the pricey kind, but after doing laundry twice daily for about a week I was ready to fork out the dough. Alas, Bruce blew out two Pampers size 3 diapers today. So I still did two loads of laundry today. Is there any solution to this? Can I at least get my money back?

It has been raining non-stop here. It's been pouring for a week and there's still more rain in the forecast. This morning when I went running I ran past dozens, perhaps hundreds, of houses that had hoses running out the basement windows into sewer drains. Everyone's basement is flooded. Ours is wet, but not flooded yet. Anyway, I can't wait until this is over. I like being able to go for walks outside when Bruce gets restless. In the past week, I've had to opt for outings at the library (which prompts me to get stupid movies) and Costco (which makes me think I need $14 worth of candy). Thus, I await the sunshine.


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