Cost for stupid doctor to tell me my water wasn't broken when it was: $295 (can I get a refund?)
Cost of ultrasound to check on Phoebe: $310
Cost of a C-section: $4,600
Cost of anesthesia for C-section: $1,722
Cost of my labs: $326
Cost of medical supplies for my care: $495
Cost of Phoebe's medical care: $36,717
Cost for Phoebe's room and board: $107,109
Cost of Phoebe's ambulance ride to closer hospital: $2,560
Cost of Phoebe's bloodwork: $49
Not quite a million dollars. But $154,183 is a lot of money. And that doesn't count prenatal care or the $47 can of special formula. I probably owe our insurance company a Thank You note.