Olympic Fever

I've been totally glued to the tv with the Olympics on this past week. I just can't get enough. I watched the whole women's figure skating short program last night, as well as the Hedrick-Davis speedskating drama.
Bruce got a cold a few days ago. He woke up with dried boogers on his forehead and chin this morning. I can't wait for this to pass.
Scott is crazy busy. He is revising a paper for publication and it requires a bunch more surgeries on mice, tons of experiments, and lots of setup time. Not to mention the actual writing part. Oh yeah, and he has two classes and loads of homework. We need another vacation.
I ran perhaps the worst race I've ever run in my entire life last weekend. Yep, including middle school. I sprained my hamstring in the first hundred meters of a 5-mile race. I finished because I had to score for the team, but it was so not glorious. It was too bad because it was also the best race I've ever been in (in terms of how fast the field was and all). This was the qualifier for the world xc championships, so all the big names were there: Colleen DeReuck, Blake Russell, Zoila Gomez, Carrie Tollefson... pretty much everyone had been to the Olympics in some distance event. Still, the trip to NYC was fun. Scott and Bruce came and cheered my slow booty on in the freezing cold weather. Now I'm sitting on ice packs this week and hoping to get in some cross-training someday. This definitely puts my Boston Marathon dream in limbo.
The pic of the flower is from Scott's Valentine's Day bouquet to me.