1998 as recorded in 1999
"My sophomore year, me and Matt James were a thing. We had the same lunch period and I wanted him to throw away my trash. So I gave him my trash and he got up to throw it away. I had a juice box that I had forgotten to give to him, so I said 'Hey Matt.' He turned around and I threw the juice box at him. He was being a stubborn phoob that day, so he just threw it back at me. The throwing continued all day long. That night, I ended up with the juice box. As a joke, I wrapped the juice box up in wrapping paper. I couldn't find any tape, so I used address stickers as adhesive. The next day, we threw it around in math, our first period class. After that, we threw it in the halls. Then I had to go to the junior high for an art class. So I went out of the main entrance [of the high school] and Matt threw the box at me. I said 'I'm not picking it up.' And I left. He left, being just as stubborn as me. So I sat in art class and the juice box sat at the front steps of the school. Over the loud speaker, 'EMILY MARS TO THE HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE PLEASE.' I thought I was in trouble for a detention I had recently gotten for walking out of study hall four minutes early. So I walked over to the high school and there were three police cars in front of the school! A bunch of cops and Mr. Lolli, the principal, were gathered around the juice box. Karyn was there too. Mr. Lolli saw the address stickers on the box and thought it was a bomb! Karyn got called to the office and went to pick it up and the cops yelled 'DON'T TOUCH IT!' So I came and they asked me a few questions and made me pick it up and take it away!"
Not sure what a "phoob" is now. There are several made-up words in my journals. The English language is too limited for me. Or maybe I just don't know enough of it. Probably the latter. The other day Scott said something about his "aphorisms" and I wondered what in the world those were. Here's what an aphorism is: "a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation." Yes, Scott has lots of those.
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