Sorry for the lack of blog updates, but it isn't because of a lack of interesting things going on. This week is February Vacation, perhaps something that only schools in Massachusetts celebrate. As you can see, we've been playing to the point of exhaustion. The above picture was taken yesterday after an outing to a park, a McDonald's Play Place, and a gymnastics gym.

On Monday, we went to the Museum of Science. On Tuesday, we went to the Children's Museum. On Wednesday, we went to the Museum of Fine Arts. On Thursday, we hit up the gymnastics gym. And today, we went to the library and watched Shaun the Sheep episodes on this lovely rainy day.

I have a bunch of pictures and videos, which I will add later. These photos are from the Children's Museum.

Here's Phoebe in a refugee exhibit. The kids thought it was a fun exhibit. I thought it was a little weird - I mean, kids shouldn't think being a refugee is fun, right?

Labels: Children's Museum, museum, Museum of Science, vacation