Marathon training is going well, but it's been randomly scheduled at all hours of the day. Sometimes I swap babysitting with other moms so I can get my long runs in during the day. Sometimes I pop Phoebe in the stroller for a few miles. But most of the time, my runs are early in the morning or late at night. Good thing Boston is beautiful day and night. I'm gearing up for a half-marathon this weekend, which should remind my body how to race and give me some inkling as to how my training will translate to the full marathon.

Last weekend, Scott was off so we took the opportunity to go see the
U.S.S. Constitution. It's the oldest commissioned ship in the Navy, and most of the time sits in the harbor in Boston for tours. This ship earned the title "Old Ironsides" during the War of 1812 after cannonballs were seen bouncing off the sides during a battle. The sides are actually made of oak, not iron.

Almost as adventurous, Bruce and I went grocery shopping at Market Basket last Saturday. I often procrastinate going shopping and when I do go, I try to go at weird times when no one will be there (like 7 a.m. when it opens on a weekday). This is why: the parking lot fills up and I have to hunt for a spot, the items I want are often out of stock, and the checkout lines are forever long. However, this place is way cheaper than other grocery stores in Boston so I'll continue to go. Thanks for letting me whine.

Bruce suffered the whole trip, but at the end he got to pick out ice cream. Ah, motivation.

We went to the Museum of Natural History yesterday. Bruce liked the rocks and found his
Brucite again. Phoebe liked banging on glass cases of animal skins and high-tailing it for the next exhibit. She's not quite ready to be stroller-free in a museum (or at least I'm not ready for it!).
As noisy as it is sometimes, we love living in the city and being so close to so many cool places!
Labels: Boston, museum, Museum of Natural History, shopping cart