Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
In and Out
Monday, January 23, 2012
Phoebe Loves

1. Books - Henry and Mudge, Sesame Street, Dr. Seuss, anything really. (in fact, she picked out a brochure about seat belts for her bedtime story)
2. Friends - Miss J, Quentin, and Asher are some of her current favs
3. Bruce - does anything he does, most recently screaming "NUTS!" at the top of her lungs and then laughing hysterically. Just. like. Bruce.
4. Food - rice and beans, yogurt (but only the expensive kind, of course), grilled cheese, black bean soup, all things chocolate
5. Clothes - sometimes partial to pink, and sometimes not. Always dresses herself now though, which means she is often half-dressed (see above photo).
6. Cooking - today she helped bake banana bread. She mashed bananas and then tasted some salt, and then some sugar, and then lots of chocolate chips.
7. Talking - after spouting more and more phrases each day, she is picking up real sentences complete with pronouns. "I do it myself" is a sentence I hear frequently.
8. Toys - play kitchen, princess castle, dolls and Lego guys are the in-toys with her right now.
9. Backpacks - she has a mild obsession with the hiking backpack and loves it when Scott carries her in it. She has a backpack for her baby dolls and takes them hiking around the house sometimes.
10. Cameras - she saw the lens and decided to smile and pose for this shot. Nice!
Labels: Phoebe
The Match
Scott wrapped up all of his interviews, so now it's time to put together our "match list." Scott ranked the programs that he visited, and each program will rank the students they interview. Everyone gets matched according to some magical algorithm that determines our fate. Scary.
Scott has his list, but I have mine too. While Scott's takes into account the training, the people he met on the interview trail, the sharpness of the residents, the hospital's atmosphere, etc., mine takes into account everything from schools to weather to general rumors and preconceived notions. Mine is not as scientific.
We won't be publishing our Match list (too many politics involved), but we'll let you know when we know - March 16.
p.s. we just got an email tonight outlining graduation. It's really coming!
Scott has his list, but I have mine too. While Scott's takes into account the training, the people he met on the interview trail, the sharpness of the residents, the hospital's atmosphere, etc., mine takes into account everything from schools to weather to general rumors and preconceived notions. Mine is not as scientific.
We won't be publishing our Match list (too many politics involved), but we'll let you know when we know - March 16.
p.s. we just got an email tonight outlining graduation. It's really coming!
Labels: graduation, match, medical school, Scott
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Return of the Scott

The past two weeks have been a blur. After our super-relaxing Christmas break, Scott's last residency interview trip sneaked up on me. Perhaps it was because it required looking at a whole new (2012) calendar? Or maybe I was in denial that life could get so crazy after being so laid-back? Somehow I just didn't register that Scott was leaving so soon.
Scott headed west and interviewed at four more hospitals. The interviews were spaced apart by a few days, so we could either pay to fly back and forth across the country 2-3 times or Scott could live on the cheap and play a bit between interviews. We chose the latter.
First he headed to San Francisco and interviewed at a few places, hiked the Redwoods, and generally enjoyed the 65-degree weather. He called me when he was hiking and told me how beautiful it was; I envied him as it was 9 degrees that day in Boston.
Next, Scott headed to Salt Lake City for an interview. He stayed with his sister Leslie, who ended up hosting a family reunion (again) as Lana, Nancy, Mark, and his parents came to visit. Scott got a solid dose of mountains and skiing before heading to the next interview in Seattle. He didn't have time to play in Seattle, but said it was actually clear enough to see the mountains when he was there (every time I'm there it's typical Seattle weather - overcast, rainy, depressing).
Scott finally came home after nearly two weeks on the road! He made it back on Saturday morning, just in time for me to pick him up and drive to New Hampshire for a half-marathon. I did this indoor half-marathon last year as it's one of few longish races on a Saturday between now and the Boston Marathon. This year, the organizers moved it from March to January and landed a local beer company as the sponsor. Naturally, it turned into a beer-fest. Perhaps one of the timing officials had a few too many because despite having computer chips on our shoes, they somehow lost track of how many laps we'd run. The track was an odd distance - 317 meters per lap - making it about 69 laps we had to run. I went with the strategy of looking at my watch for the first mile, then not checking at all and trying not to pay attention to the laps so I wouldn't be discouraged by the, "48 laps to go" announcement. I sure wasn't counting. But when I was told I had four laps to go, I was wondering how I could feel so awful and yet run so slow. I went across the finish line at 1:27, my slowest half-marathon ever. Maybe I did eat too many Christmas cookies this year. The results page says 1:26 (and a few days ago, I swear it said 1:23) and says another female wasn't far behind me (even though I passed her at least twice during the race), so I guess I'll never know what my half-marathon time was. I won a six-pack of beer, a shirt with the logo of the beer company, a hat that says "WILL RUN FOR BEER" on it, and a beer bumper sticker. Another runner was happy to take the beer off my hands, and Scott claims he's going to wear the hat sometime. "It's a nice hat," he argued.
We spent the rest of the weekend watching the Patriots pound the Broncos (poor Tebow), facing my needle-phobia by giving blood, going to church, assembling a shelf for Scott's ever-expanding textbook collection, and building a stomp rocket for Bruce.

Labels: family, medical school, race, running, Scott
Monday, January 09, 2012
Happy Birthday Elder Mars

Labels: bad photos, Ben, birthday, church
Friday, January 06, 2012
Running nowhere

I hate treadmills. I much prefer to run outside where I can breathe fresh air, see new sights, run books to the library book-drop, watch the sun rise, chatter with fellow runners. But I hate not running more than I hate treadmill running, so I finally bought a treadmill. In my search for the perfect treadmill, I came across "treadmill desks" (pictured above). I laughed when I saw that picture, then showed Scott and laughed some more. I searched for something durable (it has to get me through the first year of residency) and reliable, with a good manufacturer's warranty in case I run it into the ground...

Labels: running
More setbacks on the family picture front
Setback No. 2: Scott is out on the interview trail again. This time he is in sunny California, then off to snowy Utah, and then to rainy Washington. His interviews are spaced apart by a few days, but it wasn't worth traveling coast to coast several times, so this is a long trip. A few days ago, it was 11 degrees in Boston (not counting the windchill). Scott called to tell me about the beautiful 65-degree weather in San Francisco and how he was going to hike through the Redwoods. He will get his dose of the cold soon: he is off to Utah next and when he isn't trying to impress the big wigs at the hospital there, he will be skiing with Mark, hanging out with Leslie, meeting Lana's new baby girl, and pressuring Nancy into med school or some other crazy endeavor.
Labels: bad photos, medical school, Phoebe