Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Only Child
Monday, September 21, 2009
Batman Saves the Day
I'm toying with some cameras and was wondering what this particular clip looked like once posted online. Too bad there's no sound; you'll have to insert your own dramatic Batman soundtrack.
Bruce as a Girl
Of course the other night I had a dream that this baby had brown hair. That would confirm my fear that redheads really will be extinct by 2100.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Back to School
It's that time of year again. Scott has been in school for a few weeks now and has been loving every second of it. He comes home every day with weird stories about people with two uteri (yes, that is the plural of uterus - I just looked it up) or otherwise (most of them aren't suitable for this blog!). So far medical school seems pretty fun. Scott still studies hard, of course, but he does it with a big smile across his face - something I never mastered in college.
Bruce just started school this week. He was disappointed that he didn't have the same teachers as last year, but was thrilled to find out that he was in his favorite classroom - the muscle room. There are four preschool classrooms (muscle, puzzle, art, and block) in the school and the kids have some time to wander between them, but the muscle room is Bruce's home room and he is happy about that. It comes with a giant playground-like structure and lots of space to run around. Perfect. Today he saw his girl crush from last year, Ava, and talked about her all the way home.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bug Hunting
A Little Peek
I had an ultrasound at this appointment to check the baby's growth. "Average" was a good word to hear this time around. She's about 2 lbs, 4 oz, and very feisty. She kept squirming around, which makes for blurry pictures. But here's one where she was semi-still and you can sort-of see her face. Looks like a miniature Bruce face to me. She has the "Uncle Chris lip," as I call it. One of my coworkers once told me that "the lip" looks like Homer Simpson. Anyway, I'm finding it hard to imagine Bruce looking like a girl. Maybe I'll try Photoshopping some long hair onto Bruce's head for the next post...
After the ultrasound, I saw my doctor and had my blood pressure checked (still good, yea!). I can still run my 20 minutes per day, which is nice. Overall I feel pretty good. I got a little taste of pregnancy discomfort last week. I broke out in hives and have been trying to avoid scratching all my skin off. I look like I have chicken pox (except for on my face, thank goodness). Last Sunday I realized that I only had one maternity dress or skirt long enough to cover my speckled legs, but it was wool and it was way too hot to be wearing wool.
As I would have to wear a knee-length skirt, I thought it would be best to shave my legs so at least they would just be speckled instead of speckled and hairy. One swipe with the razor and I took off about half my ankle - oh yeah, those speckles aren't just dots. They are bumps. I ended up going to church in a knee-length dress with hairy, speckled legs and a giant gauze pad and Band-aid on my ankle. Very cute.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Primary Sunday

About once a year, all the kids in church take over the pulpit and recite a few lines interspersed with songs and such. I was a little nervous with Bruce taking the microphone on a Sunday morning; it's too much power for a little attention-hungry guy like him. To confirm my fear, someone leaned over to me before church started and said, "Of all the kids at church, I love watching Bruce the most because you just never know what he's going to do." Indeed.
The Primary program's theme this year was all about families and Bruce's one line followed along with that theme: "My favorite thing to do with my family is go to the museum." Easy enough, right?
After a few songs and other kids' lines, it's Bruce's turn at the mic. At first he gets all sheepish and shy, resting his head on one hand and checking out the crowd while tight-lipped. His teacher whispers in his ear, "My favorite thing to do is..."
Bruce says, "go to the museum!" really loud. Then he steps back from the mic and looks like he's thinking about something. Then he steps forward again and says, "Ed-na Mode" in a perfectly robotic voice. Argh!
In case you're behind on your Disney movies, particularly "The Incredibles," Edna Mode is the supersuit designer that walks up to a high-security door in the movie and has to scan her retinas and handprint before a microphone pops out of a wall and she says her name - "Ed-na Mode" - into it as a sort of voice recognition test (if you haven't seen it, here's a clip with Bruce's re-enactment around 0:35 seconds). Apparently that was what was going through Bruce's mind in church on Sunday. And out his mouth.